Tuesday, July 12, 2011

...life long learning

I must admit I felt an old familiar feeling of trepidation when typing the title. I imagine that if someone told me as a younger miss (I'm still young ;)) that life long learning was unavoidable I would have felt a little faint to say the very least. School?!?!?!? Forever?!?!? I could imagine my younger self saying, interpreting the phrase in its most literal sense. The truth is ... we do learn forever, whether or not we choose to admit it. The degree to which we may benefit from the inevitable lies in how we embrace this learning.

Yes, there is lifelong learning in the literal sense manifested in the many degree and non degree courses available. There is also the learning that takes the form of work experience, learning from reading a book, learning from seeing a situation through the eyes of another et cetera. The prospect of the unknown, the lesson to be learnt, is naturally met with a little hesitance, though masked at times by bright eyes and excitement. This prospect, however,  provides much promise once we are able to go beyond the fear and hesitation to experience what is being taught. These lessons come from clients, fellow employees, competitors, mentors, even the ride to work each day!

How do I react to the prospect of learning forever now? I say... why not?

Forever learning,