Tuesday, March 29, 2011

...the perfect idea

It has been a thought of mine lately that with the job market being the way it is, the only way I will be able to "make it" is by embracing my inner entrepreneur...wherever she is. I cannot begin to tell you how many blogs I've read or stories I've listened to or seen in the paper about persons leaving the corporate world to embrace a new career as a baker, stylist, translator, business person etc. There was even one story I read about a young woman selling all but one piece of furniture so she could turn her home into a bakery and realize her dream of becoming a caterer of fine pastries. It occured to me that the common threads in every story are a need to be met, passion, a dream and utter frustration (yes, frustration).
Although many of the heroes/heroines of these stories were aware that they were faced with various adversities, they were passionate enough and frustrated enough to leave their other jobs behind or ignore any discouragement in order to pursue their dream. Every time I read such stories I wonder, why not me? What could I be awesome at? What could make my idea the best there is? What resources do I have to pursue such a venture? Many agencies offer help in the form of loans and business pairings to "small business" operators, so why be afraid to take the first step?...I'm still trying to answer that question. So far I've wanted to make syrup, candles, environmentally friendly packaging, do interior design, make soap, sell hair, make burlap market bags, bake cheesecake and cookies... I could go on forever... My problem, it seems, is that practical Justine always steps in analyses the situation :) and dismisses the idea.
It appears that practicality, in my case, may be a hindrance to finding my "mojo". It may also mean that I'm not frustrated enough. Nevertheless, I am still thinking of my perfect idea. I have faith that it will come one day; it may even come, like most of my ideas, in my sleep. Until then I will continue to add to my available resources so that when the perfect idea comes, I'll be ready to get up and go!
Much thanks to my friend ultimatebrowning for inspiring me by giving me the little nudge I needed to begin blogging.
See you soon!

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