Wednesday, March 30, 2011

...things to blog about

While I do tend to read many blogs, as I may have pointed out last time, I have never been keen on keeping journals...ever...

I find that this blogging thing is a good way to force my creative juices to flow. It seems that this may be the start of me being able to let go of myself and begin to write what I'm thinking...minus the fear of people thinking that I'm writing garbage. I don't have a boyfriend to cook for or children to write about. I have no time to go on adventures (I'm in school), or have fabulous hobbies that I would show off, simply because I was never encouraged to brag as a child. 

I like reading books, I do not have a favourite author, I tend to just read what catches my eye (right now it's Valley of the Dolls by Jacqueline Susann). When the time permits, I like going on road trips, although more often than not I stay home and watch Home and Garden Television all day :). I like long walks in the park and...(just kidding). 

Today I must say how much I love my new template! It reminds me of my desk at home during exam time. During the rest of the course, the only thing that never changes about my desk is the cup of coffee. I do adore a cup of black coffee with a tablespoon of brown sugar and a pinch of salt (yes... you read right...salt). Nothing like a pinch of salt to take the bitter edge off that cuppa coffee! I can't imagine a life without coffee (the real one... decaf is not my kinda thing) and so even though gallons I drink per week have begun in recent times to cause a problem; I still must have at least one tiny cup :) .

There you have it! Another attempt to let my creative juices (or in this case creative coffee) flow.

'til next time,

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