Tuesday, April 19, 2011

...green eggs and ham.

What an odd title right? Not really, Dr. Seuss's Green Eggs and Ham happens to be one of my favourite books. I remember to this day cracking up while Sam I am tried to get the gentleman (so to speak) to try the green eggs and ham (in a box, with a fox, on a train, in a plane etc.). I loved that at the end of the book the gentleman found that when he ACTUALLY TRIED the green eggs and ham ... he liked it! At the time I wasn't thinking about the true meaning behind Sam I am and his green eggs and ham but now... Eureka!

It appears to me that Dr.Seuss wove the tale of the green eggs and ham to teach little children (unbeknown to them) not to say you don't like something until you've tried it! What genius! Looking back... I realise that the gentleman didn't initially accept the green eggs and ham because really; he didn't know what green eggs and ham were! Of course we know now that Dr. Seuss is big on life lessons.

Clearly the concept of eliminating prejudice without knowledge must be used within reason. You wouldn't try something that you knew was hazardous to your health (like drinking dish washing liquid), but with the right knowledge, said concept is vital! Think of how many lives could be spared and relationships built.

From a business perspective, think about the discoveries that would have been missed if the initiative was not taken to investigate them (for example: penicillin from bread mold). It is up to us to look around and examine what opportunities resemble the green eggs and ham and with the requisite research, and give them a try. Who knows, maybe we'll like it!

1 comment:

  1. May be we will. I've always discouraged close-mindedness in people, especially when it comes to food - Because food is good! But obviously we can stretch this to other things life throws at us. I don't think I would be holding massive lizards if I wasn't into trying green eggs and ham
