Tuesday, April 5, 2011

...looking in from outside

Many of us tend to wonder what it's like to be in other person's shoes but have we ever wondered what persons would experience if they were in our shoes? This may sometimes be difficult to imagine because in the words of Bob Marley; "every man thinks that his burden is the heaviest". I would dare to say that it would be quite interesting to see how another person would approach things that I have had to grapple with or have been able to accomplish. Many times the very answer we seek is right in front of us but we become so distracted with everything else that it remains lost in plain sight.

This sounds a little crazy; but every time I am having a difficult time overcoming an issue I tend to look at other persons who have faced similar situations and have found ways to overcome said issues and I think..."why not me?". It was this very method of thinking that helped me survived one of the lowest points in my life to date. When faced with the reality of losing my mother who became in recent times one of my closest friends, I remembered a young lady who lost her mother when we were in high school. This young lady forged ahead past the grief and pain to become a very successful person. So... why not me? As I watched my mother take her last breath, my will to succeed strengthened  because although she was gone, I had to make my biggest cheerleader proud. So, once again... why not me? It is this very question that has helped me to push myself beyond where I thought I could go and do things I never thought possible in that short space of time.

In the end, another man's shoes may fit differently, it's best to walk in your own, try as best as possible to make your "shoes" fit. Many times the very struggles we watch others go through are waters we have tread before or will tread eventually. In good and bad times instead of asking why me? Think about the persons who have gone on before and say... why not me? What am I to learn from this? Where will I go in these shoes?

Walk good

1 comment:

  1. I can really relate to this post. Esp considering that a certain person *hint hint* :) was there for me during my similar situation.

    Keep up the writing mama. You're awesome.

